Dear AAJAphoto,
Jessica Lum, a journalist who combined multimedia skills with enthusiasm for telling stories to report news and share her personal struggle with cancer on Facebook, died Sunday of cancer, her family said. She was 25. She was also an AAJA member.
You can read her obit story from the Sacramento Bee: http://www.sacbee.com/2013/01/17/5120327/obituary-jessica-lum-was-talented.html#storylink=cpy
Another obit from Mission Local: http://missionlocal.org/tag/jessica-lum/
You can read a blog from AAJA member AnRong Xu: https://web.archive.org/web/20150915102553/http://three-half.com/collective/anrong/2013/01/16/dear-jess/
Her UC Berkeley masters multimedia project, “Slab City Stories,” won the 2012 Online News Association award for best feature by a student: http://slabcitystories.com/
She came out to talk about her cancer in 2009: http://www.modbee.com/2009/05/18/707563/online-posts-help-cancer-patient.html
Her web site: http://www.jessicalum.com/
February 2, 9:30 a.m.
Chinese Grace Bible Church
6656 Park Riviera
Sacramento, CA
You can send a condolence card to her parents:
Bob and Anna Lum
1609 34th Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95822-3019
Donations in memory of Jessica may be made to find a cure for pheochromocytoma. Checks should be made payable to University of California Regents and indicate “malignant pheochromocytoma research” in the memo line.
Mail donations to:
Dr. Paul A. Fitzgerald
UC San Francisco
350 Parnassus Avenue, Suite 710
San Francisco, CA 94117
Paul Sakuma