AAJA photographers,
You are invited to an opening of photographs by Sacramento Bee photographer Paul Kitagaki Jr., and documentary photographer Dorothea Lange at the San Bruno Bay Area Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) station on Saturday, April 28. 2012.
The BART station was the location of the former Tanforan Race Track and also the Tanforan Assembly Center during WWII where Japanese Americans were herded up in 1942 before their were sent to permanent internment camps.
Kitagaki’s father, aunt and grandparents were taken to this relocation center before they were taken to the Topaz Internment Camp in Utah. They were also photographed by the famous documentary photographer Dorothea Lange, from the National Archives.
The photography exhibit is entitled “They wore their best … The Japanese-American Evacuation and After”.
BART is hosting a reception to recognize the historic event that occurred at this BART station site at the photographic exhibit to kick off the Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month in May.
What: Photography Exhibit by Paul Kitagaki Jr.
Where: San Bruno BART Station, Concourse Level inside BART station
Address: 1151 Huntington Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066
When: Saturday, April 28
Time: 10am to 12pm
RSVP: 510-464-6172 or mburke@bart.gov
More info,
Paul Kitagaki Jr.
posted by,
Paul Sakuma
AAJA Photo
Facebook: AAJA Photo
If taking BART, do we have to go OUT of BART? Is concourse level on ground or above? Will there be signs if we drive?
Aloha Betty, if you could call or email BART at 510-464-6172 or mburke@bart.gov I’m sure they can answer your question.